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首页>《有关一条蛇的扭曲爱情论》  第71章

网友: 打分:0 [2009-01-11 15:09:18]

annie = = 我現在才碼了700字多.......
名字未知, 內容是圣诞舞会(下)的架空H版...i spent the morning reading through the whole thing again and realised that there really isn't any other point where i can fit the H into the timeline......the only other option is locked (chapter 37)...作者回复:
Ah,Keely, surely u can put the H in chapter 37. And if u want, I will unlock the chapter. And if u want to know the H-line...=V=, Umm...it should be after the war, about 1998 or the years after. And during school time, there shouldn't be any H since the story still kept some secrets.


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