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首页>《深有苦衷[综武侠]》  第1章

网友:JILL 打分:2 [2015-11-23 14:16:34]

Surprised to see your new novel is about JX3.
Typewriting is angry with me.Have to say English.
Seriously are you using CJ?


[1楼] 作者回复 [2015-11-23 19:17:00]

I took a few minutes to think the better choice of the language OTL
I was surprised as well and maybe more than what you felt :). I never thought before that I may get a novel that related to the JX3 or wuxia, but the truth was people always change their mind capriciously╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭
English.....Um, that's fine, I got same problem in the school library but you can absolutely add Chinese according to the control panel with some secret tips. If u need the exact procedue I will show u on Wed =w=
As for the last question.....Haaaaa "seriously" is a very concrete word QAQ!! No!! I was the worst in game except the ACG! Can you imagine that I cannot even able to control the character to walk.....sad——My friend uses CJ and she did it pretty well :)
sorry I always talk too much OTL


[2楼] 作者回复 [2015-11-23 19:18:52]

ignore the incorrect spelling thx I didn't check it OTL


[3楼] 网友:怀素门下小童 [2015-11-23 19:32:53]



[4楼] 网友:封装 [2015-11-24 02:52:08]



[5楼] 网友:飘絮 [2015-11-24 06:37:25]



[6楼] 网友:相思明月楼 [2015-11-24 09:26:39]



[7楼] 网友:软趴趴 [2015-11-24 10:32:36]



[8楼] 作者回复 [2015-11-24 11:56:51]

@封装:诶嘿谢谢夸奖(*/ω\\*)——其实我提交后自己读了一遍,看到OTL的时候总是看成OUT OTL……
@明月:欢迎围观╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭


[9楼] 网友:叶修他叔叶良辰 [2015-11-24 12:30:39]



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