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2、2021年12月第一套 ...

  •   stock vt.(商店)存货 n.库存
      no one in fashion is surprised that Burberry burnt $28 million of stock
      reveal vt.揭示,揭露;展示,显露
      Burberry\'s annual report revealed that B(品牌名)每年的报告展示了
      outrage vt.使震怒 n.震怒
      leave investors and consumers outraged 让投资者和消费者愤怒
      executive [C]经理,主管;行政部门
      attribute sth. to sth. 将某事归于某事
      calculate v.估算 miscalculate v.错误估算
      miscalculated production 错误估算的产品
      discount v.减价 at a discount打折
      genuine adj.真正的,真诚的,可信赖的
      discourage vt.打消---的念头,组织;使灰心
      discourage sb. from doing sth.打消某人做某事的念头
      imitate vt.(为逗乐)模仿;仿效,模拟
      Imitated Burberry products discouraged luxury consumers from buying its genuine products
      indignation n.愤怒 indignant adj.愤怒的
      arouse public indignation唤起公众的愤怒
      Burberry's change of marketing strategy to make a product available as soon as consumers see it on the fashion show did not turn out to be as effective as expected.
      fabric n.布料 unused fabric不用的布料
      roll n.卷,卷轴 rolls of许多卷
      rally n.公众集会 vt.&vi.召集
      the luxury rally奢侈品协会
      exclusive adj.独占的,高档的 exclusivity n.
      intellectual property知识产权
      incentive n.激励,动力,奖励
      a financial incentive金融激励
      merchandise [U]商品
      important merchandise出口商品
      supervise vt.&vi.监督,管理,指导,主管supervision n.
      incredible adj.极好的,极大的,难以置信的
      incredibly adv.
      obligation n.义务 legal obligation法定义务
      anonymous adj.匿名的,没特色的
      toss vt.(轻轻地)扔,掷
      toss items in boxes将物品扔进盒子里
      label n.标签,标牌;(不恰当的)称谓
      forum n.论坛,讨论会
      an online forum一个线上论坛
      discontinue vt.终止,中断
      comment vt.作出评论 n.评论
      comment on评论
      retailer n.零售商
      external adj.外面的
      laboratory n.实验室
      elitist adj.精英主义的,高人一等的
      connotation n.含义,隐含意义
      cosmetic n.化妆品
      burn old cosmetic stock烧毁旧的化妆品库存
      format n.格式,版式
      leverage n.影响力,手段
      rescue vt.营救
      scheme n.计划,方案 vi.密保
      prestigious adj.有声望的,有威信的
第2章 2021年12月第一套

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